Quick snippets on what’s ahead at Terra Linda!
Upcoming Events:
- Running Club: Every Tues. & Thur. during lunch recess
- Usborne Books & More, Book Fair: Apr. 18-20
- STEAM Night: Apr. 20
- Passport Club Check: Apr. 26
- Author Visit: May 2
- PTC meeting: May 2
Current Volunteer Needs:
- Field Trips – If parents want to be eligible to volunteer on an upcoming class field tip, you MUST be an approved volunteer in the system.
- If you would like to volunteer at Terra Linda, please visit our Volunteer Page, to see current volunteer opportunities, or to sign up to become a new volunteer.
- Questions about volunteering at Terra Linda? Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Rick Collett, at volunteers@terralindaptc.org
PTC Club and Event Happenings:
PTC Meeting updates
Special thanks to BSD Emergency Coordinator, Ashley Vanderjagt, who shared at our PTC Meeting last night. She went over the many districtwide security improvements that have been incorporated, emergency protocol & drills, as well as emergency preparedness tips for your family and home.
She is a wealth of information! If you couldn’t make it to last nights’ meeting but have some questions, please contact Ashley at ashley_vanderjagt@beaverton.k12.or.us, or visit BSD’s Public Safety Office page.
Passport Club
The world is complex and not always black and white. Einstein said, “The more I learn, the more I realize I don’t know.”
All the more reason that young people should gain a foundation in geography so that, later on, they are more apt to wrestle with the complexities of life more successfully.
To find this month’s study maps, check out our Passport page.
Don’t miss this fun evening of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math scheduled for Apr. 20 at 6-8.
Come see student science and art projects, participate in hands-on inquiry stations, buy a book at the book fair, and tour the new Makerspace.
This is a fun FAMILY event for all!
For more information on Science Fair & Art Blast submission forms, check out our STEAM Night page.
Usborne Books & More
Book Fair, April 18-20.
Look for fliers coming home in April.
Morning 8:10 – 8:28
Lunch 10:45 – 12:45
After school Weds 1:30 – 2:00, Thurs/Fri 3:00 -3:30
STEAM Night 6:00 – 8:00
Purchase online, all online sales support the book fair!
Author Visit
Author/Illustrator Michelle Nelson-Schmidt will be visiting Terra Linda Wednesday, May 2.
Ms. Michelle has written six children’s books and spoken to more than 1,000,000 children, visiting more than 800 schools in 37 states. While here, she will share a message of perseverance, courage, overcoming fears, embracing imagination, friendship, and believing in yourself.
Assembly Schedule (parents are welcome too!)
8:30-9:15 (2nd – 3rd grade)
9:30-10:25 (K – 1st grade)
10:30-11:15 (4th – 5th grade)
For a preview of Ms. Michelle, check out her YouTube channel
Plant Sale
Last call for the Plant Sale!
New Leaf Greenhouse donates 30% of the sales to our school, so this is a great way to improve your yard and help Terra Linda!
Order Forms are due Thurs. April 12th.
Orders will arrive May 10th, just in time for Mother’s Day.
You can also print out your order form, here.
2018-2019 PTC Board & Chair Vacancies
PTC Board Vacancies:
- Vice President of Fundraising
- Communication Coordinator
- Volunteer Cooridnator Co-Chair
If you are interested or have any questions, please contact: Rick Collett
The following committee chair vacancies need to be filled by May 2018.
Committee Chair Vacancies:
- Clothes Closet
- Back to School Picnic
- Walk and Bike to School Day
- Scholastic Book Fair Co-Chair
- Green Team
- Coding Club
- Fall Dance
- Movie Night
- Science Fair
- OBOB Co-Chair
- 5th Grade Grad Party Fundraiser Chair (4th Grade Parent)
For a description of each of these opportunities, please visit our Volunteer Page, under Volunteer Opportunities.
Did you know?
- We will be discussing next years PTC budget at our May PTC meeting. Please mark your calendar to attend: May 2, 7:00
We understand that spring time brings a whole new level of busy for your families but we value your input. In the coming week, the PTC will be sending out a survey via email. We want to know your priorities as we work to build next year’s PTC budget!