Latest News

January 18, 2018

Quick snippets on what’s ahead at Terra Linda!

Upcoming Events:

  • Running Club: Every Tues. & Thur. during lunch recess
  • OBOB  Meeting: Jan. 19
  • Movie Night:  Jan. 19
  • Passport Club: Jan. 25
  • Dining for Dollars @ Subway: Jan. 25
  • Coding Club: Feb. 9
  • Scholastic Book Fair: February

Current Needs:

We have many activities that need volunteers:

  • Read to Me
  • Running Club
  • Passport Club
  • Movie Night Concessions

Please visit our Volunteer Page for the current needs and information on how to become a volunteer.

PTC Club and Event Happenings:

Congratulations to Ms. Schroeder’s First Grade Class!

Ms. Schroeder’s first grade class won the $100 prize for class participation at the Jog-A-Thon (kudos to Mrs. Kohl’s kindergarten class for tying)!

After winning, the class took a vote and conducted research to determine which animal would make the best class pet. Students brainstormed, researched online, and wrote letters to PetSmart to get answers to their questions.

After a review of all their information, students chose a Winter White Dwarf hamster and aptly named her Snowball. Students watched a video and read books on hamster care before preparing a formal class agreement to ensure Snowball is treated well.

Snowball has only been a Terra Linda Tiger for one week but she’s received a very warm and ecstatic welcome. Snowball has been a great lesson on motivation and reward, research, and responsibility!

THANK YOU to Ms. Schroeder, her students, and parents for working hard to raise money for our school!

Beaverton School District Clothes Closet

The BSD Clothes Closet is a volunteer service organization that provides free clothing for children, in need, in grades K-12, who reside in the District attendance area. It is staffed by Beaverton School District parent group volunteers. Students can find school-type clothing such as: jeans, t-shirts, polo shirts, sweatshirts, warm coats, socks and underwear.

We wanted to combine Terra Linda Movie Night with an opportunity to give back to our community. Please bring new socks and/or underwear and place them in the lobby bins at Movie Night. There’s currently a high demand for larger sizes that fit ages 13-18.

If you are unable to attend Movie Night but would like to donate, we will have a bin available for drop off in the school lobby, 1/22-1/31.

Family Movie Night

The Terra Linda PTC would like to invite you to a fun family movie night on Friday, Jan. 19th @ 6:30pm

Entrance is FREE and put on by the PTC.  

If you’d like to donate to the BSD Clothes Closet, bring new socks and/or underwear and place them in the lobby bins at Movie Night.

Concessions will be available and $1 raffle tickets will be sold to win some amazing Lego sets!!


All children will be admitted with a supervising adult present.  Please do not drop off children as we are not providing supervision. Parent/Guardian and/or responsible adult must remain at Terra Linda for the duration of the event and supervise the children they bring.

This movie is rated PG. We’d like to provide you with a movie review to determine if this would be a good movie for your child.

Subway – Dining for Dollars

Our next Dining for Dollars event is Thursday, January 25th from 4-8PM at TWO Subway locations:

  • 14740 NW Cornell Rd (by Kaady Car wash)
  • 455 NW Saltzman Rd (by Dairy Queen).

Just mention you are with Terra Linda when you order, and they will be donating a portion of the purchases back to our school!  They have been a generous community supporter of Terra Linda, and we are excited to partner with them for this event!

Student Directory

A parent volunteer has been working to create a secure (log in protected) online Student Directory.  We are excited to provide this resource to you!

If you would like to edit or opt out of sharing any personal information, please click on this link to opt out by February 1st.

In the coming month, you will receive an email with a log in protected link to access Terra Linda’s online student directory.

OBOBOregon Battle of the Books

OBOB will meet on January 19 after school in the library.  Parents can pick up in the library at 4:00.  Please remember to send a note to school so your child can attend the meeting.

This month we will focus entirely on practice battles.  Each team should send a parent volunteer on Friday to help manage battles.

The final meeting of the year will be held in February.  We are working to finalize this date as we need to confirm with several teachers that are volunteering their time for this event.


Running ClubRunning Club

Running Club reached 763.25 miles in December.  Our January special token was a snowflake that we gave out in 50 degree weather!
Volunteers are always still needed and appreciated.

Running Club also wanted to thank all of our new volunteers who have come out to cheer on the kids.


Passport Club

The Winter Olympics are just around the corner- what a great opportunity to teach kids about the nations of the world! Help your students look beyond the games to learn about the homelands of the athletes and gain a deeper appreciation for where they come from.

Online study maps can be found: here  Password (case sensitive): HelloWorld.

Links to special itinerary study guides for 3rd-5th can be found here

Did you know?

Lego Ninjago Movie

The Terra Linda PTC would like to invite you to a fun family movie night on Friday, Jan. 19th

Showing:  LEGO Ninjago Movie, in the gym.

Doors open at 6. Film starts at 6:30.

Entrance is FREE.

Concessions and $1 raffle tickets will be sold. There are some pretty amazing prizes to be won!!


All children will be admitted with a supervising adult present.  Please do not drop off children as we are not providing supervision. Parent/Guardian and/or responsible adult must remain at Terra Linda for the duration of the event and supervise the children they bring.

This movie is rated PG. We’d like to provide you with a movie review to determine if this would be a good movie for your child.

December 7, 2017

Quick snippets on what’s ahead at Terra Linda!

Upcoming Events:

  • Running Club: Every Tues. & Thur. during lunch recess
  • OBOB  Meeting: Dec. 8
  • Passport Club: Dec. 19
  • PTC Meeting: Jan. 10
  • Coding Club: Jan.12
  • Movie Night:  Jan. 19
  • Dining for Dollars @ Subway: Jan. 25

Middle School Open Houses:  December 

  • Cedar Park: TODAY, Dec. 7
  • HS2: Dec. 12
  • ACMA: Dec. 13

For more information for each of these events: click here.

Current Needs:

Teachers are looking for more volunteers to help in the classroom.  If you are already an approved volunteer, please check out the opportunities in the Volunteer System.

If you are not an approved volunteer yet, please submit an application.  See more information on our volunteer page to learn more.

PTC Club and Event Happenings:

A special thanks to:

  • Kristine Baker for serving as the PTC Secretary for the past 6 months.  She has volunteered in many different roles at Terra Linda and we are grateful for her time.  She is passing the baton on to Emily Struthers who is our new PTC Secretary.
  • Mrs. Piper for sharing her love and understanding of Common Core with Terra Linda Parents at last night’s PTC meeting.  She is full of ideas on how to support your child from home!  We will be posting some of these ideas on social media in the days to come.  Stay tuned!

Wish List

Tis’ the season for giving!  Treat your student’s classroom to an item from their teacher’s Wish List.

Don’t forget our specialist teachers too!

Jog-A-Thon Update

With corporate sponsorship commitments still rolling in, we are projecting that you raised $24,000.

A huge THANK YOU, to each and everyone of you who have supported these efforts.  You make all these programs possible!

OBOBOregon Battle of the Books

The next OBOB meeting will be held on Friday, December 8 after school in the library.  The meeting will end at 4:00 and pick up will be in the library.


The focus book for the December meeting will be The Case of the Case of the Mistaken Identity.

We will be registering teams at the December meeting.  Registration can be completed on paper or electronically.  Please send a $5 donation to offset expenses.

Please fill out this: Registration Form


Running ClubRunning Club

Congratulations to our second half marathoner of the year, Dylan W. from fourth grade!

Running Club has completed 595.75 miles this year.  We recently had our annual Turkey Trot on Tuesday and are looking forward to a Evergreen Tree run in December.  On special runs every runner receives a commemorative token to add to their necklace or key chain.

Running Club also wanted to thank all of our new volunteers who have come out to cheer on the kids.


Coding ClubCoding Club

Coding Club will be returning to Terra Linda for a second year.  This after school program is taught by volunteer IT professionals and aims to introduce computer science skills to students.

This program will take place one Friday a month after school until 4:15.  The program is limited to twenty 4th and 5th students.  Students that are interested in joining this program must commit to attending every session and completing assigned homework.  There is a suggested $5 donation to offset the cost of materials.

Coding Club Dates for 2018
January 12
February 9
March 16
April 20
May 11
June 8

Coding Club will focus on having each student build a website that showcases their technical skills.

Please submit this application before Friday, December 15.  Students will be notified via email if they have been selected for the class on Wednesday, December 20.  Selections will be based on computer skills/interest and on a first come first served basis.


Passport Club

December’s check date has been changed to Tuesday, December 19th due to a scheduling conflict.***

Online study maps can be found: here  Password (case sensitive): HelloWorld.

We would love to have any interested parents join us in the lobby on the 19th anytime between 8:30-12:30 to see how Passport Club works and help quiz students.

Links to special itinerary study guides for 3rd-5th can be found here

After School Fine Arts Class with Veronica Lake 

Fine Art Classes are returning again on January 17th and scheduled for Wednesdays from 2 – 5 pm.

That is RIGHT…. three FULL hours of instruction!  Space is limited.  For more information on how to sign up, click here.

Girls on the Run

We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. We envision a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential and is free to boldly pursue her dreams.

Does this sound like a program you’d like to bring to Terra Linda?  We are looking for Committee Chair to head up this initiative. If you are interested in learning more about Girls on the Run or would like to head this up, please contact:

Did you know?

  • You can now find the Terra Linda PTC on Instagram: @terralindaptc
  • Our Pizzicato fundraiser was a success.  Congrats to Cate Collette who was ‘budding chef’ winner!!  Thank you to Pizzicato for their generous donation $450.00!





Quick snippets on what’s ahead at Terra Linda!

Upcoming Events:

  • Running Club: Every Tues. & Thur. during lunch recess
  • Canned Food Drive: Nov. 13-17
  • Dining for Dollars, Pizzicato: Nov. 14
  • Passport Club: Nov. 16
  • OBOB Meeting: Nov. 17

Middle School Open Houses:  NOVEMBER

  • ISB: Nov. 14
  • HS2: Nov. 15
  • Rachel Carson: Nov. 15
  • ACMA: Nov. 16
  • Springville: Nov. 16
  • ISB: Nov.28
  • ACMA: Nov. 28
  • Raleigh Hills: Nov. 29
  • HS2: Nov. 30

For more information for each of these events: click here.

PTC Club and Event Happenings:

Wish Lists

NEW THIS YEAR!  We are very THANKFUL for our teachers! To show a little appreciation and to make their jobs a little easier, we have asked teachers to put together a Wish List of items they need or want for their classroom.

Please view the Wish Lists on the Terra Linda PTC website


Jog-A-Thon: UPDATE

The Jog-A-Thon committee is working hard to get all the generous donations counted and prize winners identifed. Results will be announced at the 11/29 assembly. Stay tuned!

PTC Meeting

You may have noticed that we’ve changed the format of the PTC meetings this year. We’re sending out the agenda and updates before the meeting, so everyone can see the topics ahead of time.

The updates will not be reviewed, in the meeting, unless parents/staff have questions. It’ll give us more time to discuss PTC business that requires parent input and feedback.  Please bring questions or concerns to the meeting.  We welcome your input!

We’re hoping this will help streamline the meetings, so we can discuss topics that really matter to our Terra Linda community. We’d love to see you at our next meeting!

Some months we will have guest speakers on topics that matter to you.  Save the date for the December PTC meeting:  Wednesday, Dec. 6

We’ll learn about how BSD elementary schools are approaching math instruction this year.

  • What are students doing during the school day?
  • How can you be supportive at home?
  • How do the math skills and strategies build from year to year?

Join us for an interactive presentation beginning at 7:00 pm followed by a brief discussion of PTC activities and events.

Scholastic Book Fair

Last week’s book fair was a success!

The PTC received 25% of sales, over $1,200, so we were able to purchase every book that teachers and Mrs. Nelson, our librarian, had requested.

Thank you to the many parent volunteers and Sunset HS students who made this event possible!

Canned Food Drive

Don’t forget our annual canned food drive is coming up next week.

If you are able to donate this year, please bring non-perishable food items to the Terra Linda lobby from 11/13 – 11/17.

All food collected will be distributed to Terra Linda families in need, along with a PTC-funded gift card to round out a Thanksgiving meal. Sturdy, medium-sized boxes are also needed to package the food. Please drop off boxes in the office.

Here are the most needed items:

  • Peanut Butter and Almond Butter
  • Rice
  • Canned tuna or chicken
  • Canned fruits and vegetables
  • Beans (canned or dried)
  • Pasta
  • Whole Grain Cereal
  • Shelf-stable Milk
  • Cooking Oil
  • Canned Tomatoes
  • Other nutritious foods

Again this year, the fifth-graders are managing this project with the leadership of Mrs. McAndie.

If you would like to apply for this, or other food benefits available at Terra Linda, please contact the office.

Piccolo Mondo shopping fundraiser

Want to get a jump on your holiday shopping and help Terra Linda at the same time?! Piccolo Mondo Toys is generously hosting a shopping fundraiser for local schools including Terra Linda.

Shop at Piccolo Mondo from Sunday 11/12 – Friday, 11/17 and mention you are shopping to benefit Terra Linda when you check out, and 15% of your total purchase amount will be donated to Terra Linda. It is easy as that!

PizzicatoDining for Dollars

We are partnering with the Cornell Pizzicato for our next Dining for Dollars event on Tuesday, Nov. 14.

They will be donating 20% of their entire day’s sales to Terra Linda!

The restaurant has very limited seating, so it’s recommended that you call in advance for take out orders, or have it delivered to you!  Check out their menu.

If you are unable to participate that day, you are able to order gift cards by emailing by Friday, November 10th.

Running Club

Running Club

Running Club had another successful month in October.  We passed out pumpkin tokens on Halloween to everyone that ran a lap.  This year students have run 575.75 miles!

Congratulations to our first half marathoner, third grader, Gabriel T.!

Thanks to our new track we have only had to cancel two running club sessions this year.  We are looking forward to a winter of running and more half marathons soon!



The next OBOB meeting will be held on Friday, November 17 in the library after school.  The meeting will end at 4:00.

We will be assisting teams with registration, discussing the different types of questions and how battles are scored, and practicing battles with questions from Dash.

We also have a special letter to read to the class that Kirby Larsen, the author or Dash, wrote to the Terra Linda OBOB group!

Passport Club

Our next Passport Club check day is fast approaching!

Canada, Panama, Turkey, Algeria, and Mongolia are some of the countries we’re locating. Please help/encourage your child to study!

Online study maps can be found: here. Password (case sensitive): HelloWorld.

Links to special itinerary study guides for Grades 3rd-5th can be found here.

***Please remember that December’s check date has been changed to Tuesday, December 19th due to a scheduling conflict.***

Did you know?

  • For every box top you turn in, our school receives $0.10.  That adds up real fast!
  • Terra Linda PTC could be receiving a donation every time you make an eligible purchase on Amazon! All you have to do is sign up for their Amazon Smile program.


Optional Middle Schools

If you and your child are just beginning to explore options, it can be a bit overwhelming to know where to start.

All Terra Linda Elementary students feed into Cedar Park Middle School.  They will have an open house for all 5th Grade students on December 7th, 6:00-7:30pm.

If you are interested in looking into other optional schools, below are some helpful flyers that will help you get acquainted with all your options!

  • You can get a quick overview of each middle school in this Powerpoint Presentation.
  • For quick facts on each school, check out this flyer too.
  • Open House Hours are listed here.

Have more questions?  Contact Tyler Young:

Quick snippets on what’s ahead at Terra Linda!

Upcoming Events:

  • Running Club: Every Tues. & Thur. during lunch recess
  • Scholastic Book Fair: Oct. 26-31
  • Dance & Glow: Oct. 27
  • PTC Meeting: Nov. 1 (6:30pm)
  • Canned Food Drive: Nov. 13-17
  • Dining for Dollars, Pizzicato: Nov. 14
  • Passport Club: Nov. 16
  • OBOB Meeting: Nov. 17

Current Needs:

Volunteers are needed for Book Fair, Read to Me, Running Club, and Passport Club.  For more information on other opportunities, click here.

PTC Club and Event Happenings:


Our 3rd Annual Jog-A-Thon was a success!

Thank you to the many volunteers, parents, grandparents, community members, and Sunset High School students who came out to cheer on the students. We had a blast!


Please help us finish this fundraising campaign strong, just like the kids did on the track this week. Every donation, no matter the size, helps our Terra Linda community.

All donation envelopes, with all money included, need to be turned into teachers by Friday, Oct. 27.

Please make sure your student’s name and teacher is written on the envelope. The final day to collect pledges through PledgeStar is also Oct. 27.

If your employer matches donations, please use the tax receipts that come home with students this week to apply for matching funds. Additional 2017 Jogathon Tax Receipts can also be printed. If you are a Nike employee, please make your donation directly through the Nike giving website to get the match.

PTC Meeting

Mark your calendar for our next PTC meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 1 from 6:30-8:00pm.

ATTN: 4th & 5th Grade families:

We will review the BSD Option Schools for middle school and have a panel discussion with representatives from each school.

Canned Food Drive

Our annual canned food drive is coming soon!

Please bring non-perishable food items to the Terra Linda lobby Nov. 13-17. All food collected will be distributed to Terra Linda families in need, along with a PTC-funded gift card to round out a Thanksgiving meal.

Sturdy, medium-sized boxes are also needed to package the food. Please drop off boxes in the office.

Here are the most needed items:

  • Rice
  • Peanut Butter and Almond Butter
  • Canned tuna or chicken
  • Canned fruits and vegetables
  • Beans (canned or dried)
  • Pasta
  • Whole Grain Cereal
  • Shelf-stable Milk
  • Cooking Oil
  • Canned Tomatoes
  • Other nutritious foods

This year, the fifth-graders are managing this project with the leadership of Mrs. McAndie.

If you would like to apply for this, or other food benefits available at Terra Linda, please contact the office.

PizzicatoDining for Dollars

We are partnering with the Cornell Pizzicato for our next Dining for Dollars event on Tuesday, Nov. 14.

They will be donating 20% of their entire day’s sales to Terra Linda (including gift cards)!

The restaurant has very limited seating, so it’s recommended that you call in advance for take out orders, or have it delivered to you!  If you are unable to participate that day, you are able to order gift cards by emailing Becky Seppala at

Also, students may submit this Budding Chef form to Becky Seppala or bring it to the school office if they would like their own pizza recipe to be entered into a contest to be the featured pizza special for the day of our event!

Gift card orders and recipe forms need to be submitted by 11/9

Running Club

Running Club

Halloween will be a special event for Running Club!  Every participant will receive a pumpkin token to add to their award chain!




OBOB will meet on Nov. 17 in the library after school until 4:00pm.  The focus book for November will be Dash.

Students may still join OBOB.  Registration will remain open until January.

Please see the attached October OBOB Agenda if you were unable to attend the meeting.



Coding ClubCoding Club

Coding Club has decided to delay meeting until January.  This should allow for additional time to recruit more volunteers, distribute applications, and develop the new curriculum.


Scholastic Book Fair

Fall Book Fair opens TODAY!

Thursday, Oct. 26 – Tuesday, Oct. 31, the Fair will be in the school library:

Before school 8:10am – 8:30am
Lunch time 10:45am – 12:30pm
After school 3:05pm – 3:30pm (not open on Friday after school)

It is also open during Fall Dance on Friday, Oct. 27 from 6:00 – 8:00pm and Wednesday morning, Nov. 1 from 8:10 – 8:30am.

Teachers have chosen books they would like to have in their classroom and set them aside behind the cashier.

Passport Club

Thank you to all who participated in check day TODAY. We had a great time with the kids and the bell was ringing!

Study next month’s passport countries with hardcopy maps coming home today or online study maps found here. Password (case sensitive): HelloWorld.

Links to special itinerary study guides for Grades 3rd-5th can be found here.

We will see you again on Nov. 16!

***Please note that December’s check date has been changed to Tuesday, Dec. 19 due to a scheduling conflict.***

Here are the remaining check days:

Nov 16      Dec 19      Jan 25

Feb 22      Mar 22      April 26

May 24      June 7 (2nd chance day)

Dance and Glow

Get ready to GLOW!!!

Dance and Glow, on Oct. 27 from 6:30-8:00pm at Terra Linda.

Wear your whites or glow in the dark clothes and come ready to rock out with your friends to our awesome DJ!

It’s gonna be GLOWTASTIC!

U.S World Class Taekwondo Association, Character Kids program

When you sign up your child for this 3-week class, 100% of the proceeds go to Terra Linda.

It’s really a win-win for everyone!

The three week class includes:
1. Focus and Confidence
2. Discipline and Respect
3. Bully Prevention

For more information, check out this: US World Class flyer. You may also sign up here.  REGISTRATION IS DUE ON OCT. 28.

Did you know?

  • Last day to turn Jog-A-Thon pledges is Friday, Oct. 27
  • PTC is short for Parent Teacher Club
  • You can find us on Facebook for the latest updates too.  Please invite other Terra Linda parents who don’t already follow this page.



 Jog-A-Thon will now be held on Tuesday, 10/24.

Because of forecasted thunderstorms we need to change the date of Jog-A-Thon to ensure student safety.

The running times remain unchanged.

Jog-A-Thon Schedule:

9:00-9:40 4th Grade

9:40-10:20 3rd Grade & SRC (Mrs. Eckrode)

10:20-11:00 1st Grade & SRC (Mrs. Hefty)

11:00-11:40 5th Grade

12:00-12:40 Kindergarten

12:40-1:20 2nd Grade

Questions? Please contact Charity Dart at or Jennifer Collett at with any Jog-A-Thon questions.

Quick snippets on what’s ahead at Terra Linda!

Upcoming Events:

  • Running Club: Every Tues. & Thur. during lunch recess
  • OBOB informational mtg: Oct. 20 (afterschool – 4:15pm)
  • Jog-A-Thon: Oct. 20
  • Scholastic Book Fair: Oct. 26-31
  • Passport Club: Oct. 26
  • Coding Club: Oct. 27
  • Dance & Glow: Oct. 27
  • PTC Meeting: Nov. 1 (7pm)

Current Needs:

Volunteers are needed for Jog-A-Thon, Book Fair, Read to Me, Running Club, Passport Club, Library Helper, and Classroom Opportunities.  For more information and to sign up, click here.

Work Party

Seeking additional volunteers every Friday morning, after the bell rings, Work Party meets in the lobby for a couple of hours.  We make books from stories the kids have written, cut out laminated bulletin board decorations, make copies of math worksheets and much more.  So much, that we’ve not been able to finish it all for the last several weeks.  Feel free to bring your coffee, we also get to chat while we work.  You do not need to commit to coming every week. Sign up with myvolunteer page.  Contact Amy Waugh with any questions.

PTC Club and Event Happenings:

We have an exciting few weeks ahead!

PTC Meeting

Mark your calendars for our next PTC meeting on Wednesday, November 1st 6:30-8:00 p.m.

ATTN: 4th & 5th Grade families:

We will review the BSD Option Schools for middle school and have a panel discussion with representatives from each school.


We are sure you have heard the news from your student that when we reach our school goal of earning $30,000, we get to Silly String Mrs. Batsell and Mr. Young!

And although that sounds like every child’s dream come true, you may have thought to yourself “Why should I does this? How does this benefit my child?”

The answer is simple. The money raised at the Jog-A-Thon will benefit every Terra Linda student, every single day.

The PTC can buy more books for classrooms and the library. It can continue to support teachers as they strive to make their classrooms as enriching and engaging as possible. Students may find a passion through participation in Passport Club, Running Club, Art Literacy, or the Science Fair. The Terra Linda community will be strengthened with fun events like the Fall Dance, Bingo Night, and Movie Night.

Jog-A-Thon helps fund all of these wonderful things and many more. Please give what you are able to and spread the word to family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors and help make this year’s Jog-A-Thon a huge success. The kids can’t wait to use the Silly String!

For more instructions on how to raise funds, how to use Pledgestar and the running schedule of your child, check out our Jog-A-Thon page.

Running Club

Running ClubOn Halloween we will be holding a special event where every runner will earn a pumpkin token to add to their chain.  Look for special events every month!

Running Club is held on Tuesday and Thursday during lunch recess.  Every student at Terra Linda is member and can choose to participate.  Runners can earn awards for reaching milestones, such as a wristband for completing their first mile and a token and chain when they finish a 5k (3 miles).

We are always looking for more volunteers.  As a volunteer you can pass out mileage cards, mark laps, and give high fives!


OBOBLove to read?  Want to discover new books?

Oregon Battle of the Books will be holding an informational meeting for students and parents on Friday, October 20.  The meeting will be held in the library, after school and end at 4:15pm.

OBOB is a reading competition for third, fourth, and fifth grade students of all reading abilities.  Students create teams of four members and read sixteen books.

There will be monthly school wide meetings October-February and a final competition in late February.

Several OBOB books are currently on sale through Audible for only $4.00.  This is a great opportunity to purchase an audio version of the book at a fantastic price.  Books include:  The Red Pencil, Esperanza Rising, Masterpiece, and Dash

More information, including the book list, can be found here:


Coding ClubCoding Club

Coding Club will be returning to the computer lab on Friday, October 27 in the computer lab.  Meetings will take place once a month.  Applications will be sent home with 4th and 5th grade students next week.

The focus for Coding Club this year will be building a website.

Coding Club introduces basic coding skills to twenty fourth and fifth grade students.  These workshops are taught by volunteer IT professionals.


Scholastic Book Fair

Fall Book Fair is coming soon!

Thursday, October 26 – Tuesday 31, the Fair will be in the school library:

Before school 8:10am – 8:30am
Lunch time 10:45am – 12:30pm
After school 3:05pm – 3:30pm

It is also open during Fall Dance on Friday, October 27th from 6:00pm – 8:00pm and Wednesday morning, November 1st from 8:10am to 8:30am

Look for the book fair flyer in Thursday folders on 10/19.

The Book Fair is a wonderful opportunity to share your love of reading with your whole class by donating a book to your student’s classroom. Teachers have chosen books they would like to have in their classroom and set them aside behind the cashier.

VOLUNTEERS: If you can spare an hour of your time to help at the Fair, please sign up at or contact Pam at with questions.


QUIZ TIME!! What country in South America borders every other country but two? Where do kangaroos live? Where was pizza born? Which country measures its success by “gross national happiness?”

Study this month’s passport countries to find out! Online study maps found here. Password (case sensitive): HelloWorld.

We will see you on October 26th to check your skills!  Here are the remaining check days:

Oct 26     Jan 25      April 26
Nov 16     Feb 22     May 24
Dec 14     Mar 22     June 7 (2nd chance day)

Thank you to all who participated in the first PTC Passport check day of the 2017/18 school year! It was fun, encouraging, and the bell was ringing!!

Dance and Glow

Get ready to GLOW!!! Mark your calendar for our fall dance, Dance and Glow, on October 27th from 6:30-8pm at Terra Linda. Wear your whites or glow in the dark clothes and come ready to rock out with your friends to our awesome DJ!  Every child will receive a glow stick and a cookie.  It’s gonna be GLOWTASTIC!

U.S World Class Taekwondo Association, Character Kids program

When you sign up your child for this 3 week class, 100% of the proceeds go to Terra Linda.  It’s really a win-win for everyone!

The three week class includes:
1. Focus and Confidence
2. Discipline and Respect

For more information, check out this: US World Class flyer . You may also sign up here.

Did you know?

  • We raised close to $500 from our last Dining for Dollars at Laughing Planet!  Thank you to Laughing Planet and everyone who dined.
  • Looking for last week’s PTC Meeting Minutes?
  • You can find us on Facebook for the latest updates, too.



This week we’d like to continue our series on Terra Linda Volunteer Profiles.  If you missed our last volunteer interview with Becky Seppala, you can read it here.


Today, I’d like to introduce to you, Lori Miller.

She is a mom of three.  Josie (George Fox University), Josh (Sunset High School) and Gracie (5th grade at TL). She has volunteered at Terra Linda more years than we can tally!  For the past 6 years, Lori has lead the charge to keep the Passport Club an exciting and challenging enrichment program for our students.

Thank you for your commitment to the Terra Linda community!  Please take a few minutes to learn more about Passport Club

 An Interview With A Volunteer

A Q&A with Lori Miller – Passport Club

Lori Miller – Passport Club Volunteer Coordinator

Can you tell us a little bit about Passport Club?

I volunteer for Passport Club, which is an enrichment activity funded by the Terra Linda PTC and fully run by volunteers.  It is a fun international geography program where students learn all of the countries of the world through memorization and review over several years.  Each child that participates receives a Passport; once a month we hold a Passport Club check day where students can earn stamps to glue in their passport.  Time is given during the school day for the students to be quizzed.  Students and parents are encouraged to study at home to prepare for Passport Club.

What do you do as a volunteer for Passport Club?

Officially, I am the Volunteer Coordinator for PTC Passport Club, which essentially means I’m the point person, however, Passport Club is a team effort all of the way!!  I recruit, train, and communicate with all volunteers, and recruit and communicate with our leadership team.  This year, we are excited to have a leadership team of seven! I also schedule the classroom timeslots for check day and work with teachers and staff to ensure it all runs smoothly!  

As with any activity, PTC Passport has several parts to it.  One very important part is we have someone in charge of doing all of our photocopying – hundreds of copies every month!  We have a dad who leaves work early one Wednesday each month to set up all of our tables and chairs so when we arrive early Thursday morning, we are ready to go!  Another volunteer keeps our record book so we are prepared at year end to give out achievement awards to students.  On our once-a-month Passport check days, we have a minimum 16 volunteers who show up to quiz students. Some volunteers no longer have students at Terra Linda. It is really cool to see it all come together.  As always, it is a privilege to be a part of TL and the greater community!

Do you utilize PTC funds to organize Passport Club?

We purchase 300 new passports every summer for the new school year.  We also give away lots of stickers and use many glue sticks!

How does Terra Linda benefit from Passport Club?

One of my favorite things about PTC Passport Club is the opportunity for students to have another adult – not their parent or teacher – encourage and cheer them on.  On a Passport check day, the student will interact with one adult who will quiz their knowledge, another who will get them stamps for their passport, and another to whom they will turn in their passport.  Each of these adults takes the opportunity to encourage the students and say, “wow, I see you worked really hard this month” or, “no worries, next month you get another try – I know with a few minutes preparation you can beat your current level”!  We do a lot of celebrating on Passport check days and it’s very special to the kids.  

Can you share a personal experience you’ve had while heading Passport Club?

I started volunteering for PTC Passport Club when our youngest was in preschool and I had time to slip in for 2 hours as a checker.  When my daughter started kindergarten at TL, I decided to choose one area to dive in and volunteer, and I took over as Volunteer Coordinator. I have committed to this wonderful role for 6 years, and this year will be my final year.  Passport Club has been very special to me, in particular because it has given me the opportunity to meet so many students and be a giant encouragement to them!

If someone is interested in helping out, what is the time commitment? 

If you are looking for your place to volunteer, PTC Passport Club is really great because of our flexibility.  Passport Club is a once-a-month commitment for anywhere from 45 minutes to 3 hours – you decide.  If one month you get called into a work meeting, no worries, come the next month. It is also great because you can see your own child during the check day!

Please join us for our next PTC Meeting this Wednesday, 10/4, at 7:00pm in the Terra Linda Library!

We’re changing the format of the PTC meetings a little bit. We’d like to send out the agenda and updates ahead of time, so everyone can see the topics. The updates will not be discussed, in the meeting, unless parents/staff have questions. We’re hoping this will help streamline the meetings and keep them to an hour. It should also free up some time to have guest speakers.

You can check out the PTC Meeting Agenda here:

Terra Linda PTC Meeting Agenda October 4 2017

At this month’s meeting, we’re excited to have Kristy Edmunds and Christy Batsell as our guest speakers…


Growing Our Readers

Last spring, Reading Specialist Kristy Edmunds trained volunteers how to read with first graders by explaining what skills and strategies students needed at each reading level.  All the parents said, “I wish I would have known this sooner for our own children!”

Kristy Edmunds and Christy Batsell will share this same information, but expanded to all grade levels. Learn how students move up in reading levels from Kindergarten “Read to Me” through 5th grade “Orange” and beyond. Hear how our teachers support students in this progression and take home some strategies to use with your own children.


2017-18 PTC Board

Tamara​ ​Peters​ ​-​ ​President

Jenn​ ​Collett​ ​-​ ​VP​ ​of​ ​Fundraising

Rick​ ​Collett​ ​-​ ​Volunteer​ ​Coordinator

Brain​ ​Baldwin​ ​-​ ​Treasurer

Michele​ ​Fordice​ ​-​ ​Communications​ ​Coordinator

Kristine​ ​Baker​ ​-​ ​Secretary